


Preliminary research on the perception and resistance of the people concerninggovernment's plan to build a nuclear power plant for electricity at Muria peninsula, in Jepara,has that some people refused, some were ready to accept, and somejust he!s'itated.In generalthe beaurocrats accepted the plan, although some felt doubtful since they are in change ofenvirontment conservation. Parliament members and religious leaders have the tendency to bedoubtful in response of the goverment's plan on nuclear power plant. Those NGO members,especially theSe under young aclivist' leaders have refused the plan, while other religiousleaders and some rural leaders tend to accept-it.The various perception and attitudes which exist in the society are Inostly caused byconditions such as one's position, his group's perception in which he attached to, and factorseither socio-cultural, socio-political, or socio economics. Especially those with negativeperception were actually influenced by thefeeling of distrust to the government. 'At this time the government is trying to rebuild people's confidence by planning somedevelopment programs with bottom-up approach, but since it has a bad reputation in the post,that different attitudes have emerged toward state's projects, since in the past many personshave corrupted the project they carried-out for their own benefit,The various attitudes of the people toward the government have their impact on thegovernment plan to build nuclear plant in Jepara. In this situation it will be more who reject theplan. To this moment is seems that the government has not succes.sfully changhd its image tohave public trust, due to their prejudice to government projects, more over for its nuclearpowerplant. Input of informafion, especially about nuclear. They select information aboutnuclear mostlyfrom the negative side only, although there should be also positive side. A. M. Djuliati Suroyo; Pusat Penelitian Sosial Budaya, Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP)