
Exploration and Development of Indigenous Knowledge of Ethnomedicine at Gede Pangrango Mountain


Plant diversity of Indonesian tropical fo-rest, including about 40,000 species of medicinal plants, is one of Indonesia’s invaluable natural resources. Besides, existence of almost 370 ethnic groups with their uniqueness in culture and tra-ditions enrich Indonesian cultures and etnome-dicine treasure. The process of deriving this in-digenous knowledge is orally prevails from one generation to the other. This circumstances will lead to the extinct of indigenous knowledge of et-nomedicine worsen by the introduction of modern culture. Therefore, the exploration of indigenous knowledge of etnomedicine is worth to be imple-mented followed by its development. Research activity to explore etnomedicine was conducted at Gede Pangrango mountain National Park areas, from January to December 2001. Survey has be-en done at 6 locations around Gede Pangrango, mountain within 2 districts (Sukabumi and Cian-jur). Surveyed locations and the respondent were decided deliberately regard to ease access. The results showed that utilization of folklore me-dicine around Gede Pangrango mountain Natio-nal Park areas was restricted to dukun ber-anak. Furthermore, at the buffer zones of Ge-de-Pangrango mountain National Park, 23 kinds of illness have been treated by using 72 tradi-tional prescriptions of 80 medicinal crops species. In general, the raw materials used for traditional medicine at the surveyed areas were MMI’s stan-dardized in quality. Therefore, that simplisia are prospected to be further developed for traditional medicine as well as modern drugs and cosmetic industries. Keywords : Gede Pangrango Mountain, survey, medicinal plants. Rosita SMD, Otih Rostiana, E. R. Pribadi dan Hernani; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik. Keywords : Gede Pangrango Mountain, survey, medicinal plants