


TUBERCULOSIS YANG DIMA TlKAN DENGAN PENYINARAN GAMMA DAN BCG PADA MARMOT YANG DIJANGKITI TUBERCULOSIS SECARA EKSPERIMENTIL *)Penyelidikan ini sebagian dibiayai 01eh Departemen Urusan Research Nasional. The immunizing effects of living BCG voccine, heat_killed tubercle bacilli, gamma_irradiated tubercle bacilli and living Mycobacterium smegmatis, have been investigated by comparing the degree of tuberculin allergy and the median survival time after chellenge infection in guinea pigs, 91% of the BCG_vaccinated guinea pigs developed strongly (mean size ¢ 3.64 mm) positive tuberculin reactions prior to infection, while 79% and 81% of the guinea pigs which received the heat_killed and the gamma irradiated tubercle bacilli gave smaller positive tub~rculin reactions. So did 57% of the animals receiving M.smegmatis. The median survival time of the BCG_vaccinated group and the group receiving gamma_irradiated vaccine was 73.0 days and 65.7 days as compared with 57.8 days in the group receiving heat_killed tubercle bacilli, 59.3 days in the M.smegmatis. inoculated group and 51.0 days in the unvaccinated control group. It seemed that the size of the tuberculin reaction prior to infection correlated with the degree of immunity induced by vaccination in guinea pigs. TAN THIAM HOK dan THE KIE SENG Bagian Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia dan F. SUHADI Pusat Penelitian Pasar Jum'at, Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional.