
Production Of Natural Rubber Grafted Styrene Copolymer Latex As Water Base Coatings


Production Of Natural Rubber Grafted Styrene Copolymer Latex As Water Base Coatings. Twelve kinds formulation of natural rubber grafled copolymer styrene (NR-g-S) prepared by gamma radiation co-polymerization technique has been carried out.
The characteristic of NR-g-S and its water base coating such as molecular structure, particle size, and the properties of latex and its film were evaluated. The results showed that the NR-g-S latex as a water base coating has low viscosity. height strength, good grease resistance, good flexibility, good aging and corrosion resistance on concrete cement and metal. The average particle size is between 270-300 nm, and the bonding between poly-isoprene of NRL and styrene molecules were grafled copolymer. Keywords: coating, water based, latex. By. Marga Utama, and Koentjahja Widjaja; Centre for The Application of Isotopes and Radiation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency and PT. Jaya Karya Utama