


Monitoring of ambient air quality such as Sulphur Dioxide (S02), Nitrogen Dioxide (N02) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) as well as metal content, was conducted from year 2001 up to 2006 for DKI-Jakarta and Tangerang area, in order to evaluate the present state of ambient air quality and its effect. The monitoring result of 5 (five) years showed that the air pollution in DKI-Jakarta and Tangerang area, motor vehicle is main sources for pollutant of Particulate Matter (PM) and Nitrogen Dioxide (N02). The phase out leaded gasoline program in DKI-Jakarta was successes to reduce the concentration of Lead (Pb) in the ambient air of Jakarta city area. The spatial distribution of air pollutant in DKI-JAKARTA was not clearly define the demography boundary of Jakarta area because t."l-te distribution of air pollutant are different every year, and U1ereis no peaceful place in DKI-JAKARTA for children specially, because air pollutant is distr-ibuted to the entire place in all Jakarta city area. To verify the present state of ambient air quality in DKI-Jakarta and Tangerang area, analysis of ambient and emission air was done in 2005 and 2006. Meteorological data of DKIJakarta area collected by Meteorological and Geophysical Institution (BMG)and also BPLHD-DKIby AQMS Instrument was furthermore analyzed and calculated by involving frequency distribution of wind speed and wind direction. As conclusion, almost 60% is calm condition. Evaluation for emission sources was necessary in order to understand the trend of emission to the atmosphere. Keywords: Sulfur diokside (502), Nitrogen diokside (N02), lead (Pb),frequency distribution, Calm. Esrom Hamonangan, Retno Pllji Lestari, Jetro Sitllmorang dan Lia Mlilianillgsih Pusat Sarana Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan-Kementrian Negara Lingkungan Hidup