Failures in reverse side of 50 and 52 building, first enoccurred in early 2002, temporary treatment on slope failure which conducted in the middle of year 2002 has not solved the problem, because it did not consider the aspect of geotechnique and geohidrology that causing the failure.
Geotechnique and geohidrology study in failure area covered field work, laboratory work and geotechnigue/geohydrology analysis. Field works includes topographic mapping, core drilling, hand auger, groundwater level monitoring, standard penetration test and undisturbed sampling. Laboratory work includes index properties and engineering properties test. Studio works covered geotechnical analysis for the calculation of safety factor, while geohydrology analysis to understand the groundwater system. Slope stability analysis resulting the small number of safety factor, between 0,305-1,637 on normal condition, 0,293-1,597 on saturated condition and 0,205-1,075 on earthquake condition. From the geohidrology analysis, concluded that water clogging still occurs in several areas of slope, causing the excess of pore water pressure and decreasing the value of soil shear strength. Key words : Geotechnique, geohydrology, failure, P2PLR-BATA. By. Heri Syaeful, Suharji, Sartapa, Suparjo AS; Pusat Pengembangan Geologi Nuklir - BATAN