The problems of component ageing in nuclear power plant were described. In the first part, the philosophy of life management conducting in countries which is operating nuclear power plant were described. Type of degradations caused by ageing which will be occurred in the components were described, especially for not ease to be replaced components.
To diagnose the degradation growth, both destructive and non-destructive diagnosis methods have been developed. Finally, the matters related to ageing which should be prepared by BATAN in order to approach the first nuclear power plant constructions. Keywords: NPP’s Component Ageing, Life Management, Diagnosis Metho. By. Roziq Himawan Bidang Keandalan Komponen dan Sistem (BK2S) The problems of component ageing in nuclear power plant were described. In the first part, the philosophy of life management conducting in countries which is operating nuclear power plant were described. Type of degradations caused by ageing which will be occurred in the components were described, especially for not ease to be replaced components.
Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Keselamatan Nuklir (P2TKN)-BATAN